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Advice Bridges ApS is a small company specialised in bridge structures. The mission is all about adding value to your bridge project.

The Story

The story of Advice Bridges is in the making as a newly started bridge consulting company.

The company was founded in 2022 by senior bridge engineer Torben Scholdan Hansen. The founder has nearly 30 years of broad experience with structural analyses, design, independent design check and project management from recognized international bridge consultant. For more, see:

Customers consult a company for advice, and as the objective is to give advice about bridges, company name is simply ”Advice Bridges”.

The tick logo represents the concept “yes” as in this is verified, correct, completed and applies to me, all statements which reflect the mission of Advice Bridges.

Company Mission

The mission of Advice Bridges is to:

  • Provide strong technical advice of high quality
  • Add value to your bridge project
  • Use a systematic and logical approach to give customers the full overview and confidence in their project and Advice Bridges
  • Keep it simple, even at complex structures and processes
Senior bridge engineer Torben Scholdan Hansen at ESS construction site

Super Efficient

Decisions focused on problem solving and on the big picture without compromising on quality.

Deeply Committed

Systematic approach to tasks with extreme overview.

Highly Skilled

Profound knowledge on all bridge aspects and vast experience.

Torben Scholdan Hansen, senior bridge engineer and owner

Torben Scholdan Hansen

Senior Bridge Engineer, Owner