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Project Details

Advice Bridges is a small specialist company and project details therefore reflect the professional experience of senior bridge engineer Torben Scholdan Hansen achieved throughout his career. Selected 50 projects are summarised according to characteristics showing both the versatile experience and specialist fields.

Bridge types

There are 6 basic bridge types: beam, truss, arch, cantilever, cable-stayed and suspension.

The tied-arch bridge is a variant of the traditional arch bridge where the deck typically is used as tie. The extradosed bridge is a variant of the cable-stayed bridge where the inclination of the stay cables is smaller and the cables therefore act more as external post-tensioning. Moveable bridges are beam or cantilever bridges that move to allow ships to pass.

I have worked with all bridge types, with main focus on beam and cable-stayed bridges as shown in the pie chart.

Bridge girder types

There are 3 basic bridge girder types: plate, box and truss.

Plate girders can be formed in many ways but generally consists of a deck slab, longitudinal beams and cross beams. Box girders are composed of a closed box with flanges and webs. Truss girders typically includes a steel truss and a deck slab.

Materials commonly used are concrete and structural steel, or a combination hereof referred to as composite structures.

I have worked with all girder types, with main focus on composite plate girders and concrete- and steel box girders as shown in the pie chart.

Span length selected 50 bridges

Bridges come in many sizes.

The most common parameter to measure and rank bridges on is main span length. The world record today is 1915 Canakkale Bridge in Turkey with 2023 m main span.

I have worked with bridges having span lengths ranging from 20 m to 3300 m, with main focus on medium spans up to 500 m as shown in the chart.

All bridges have their challenges and I enjoy working with both small and large bridges.

Bridge engineer tasks

There are many tasks for the bridge engineer.

Owners Engineer advices the owner on all aspects and carries out review of project documents. Tender design is concept design for a bidding contractor whereas concept design can be for different types of customers. Basic and detailed design is typically for the contractor and sometimes supplemented by construction engineering. Independent design check (IDC) is also referred to as independent checking engineer (ICE) or third party checker. Load rating and retrofit design often go hand in hand and are carried out for existing bridges.

I have worked with most tasks, with main focus on tender/concept design, detailed design and independent design check as shown in the pie chart.


I have worked with bridge projects on most continents as shown on the map (hover mouse to zoom).

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